How to maintain your sanity during the lockdown

How to maintain your sanity during the lockdown
Below are some tips on how to navigate your way through this strange corona period without losing your mind
03.04.2020 - 05:44

This is a time of loneliness, confusion, depression and anxiety for many, and since no-one has experienced a situation like this before, it can be difficult to know how to deal with it.

Luckily, the good people at have come up with some useful advice on how to stay in shape, physically as well as mentally.

  • Organise your day and stick to your healthy habits.
  • Make sure you exercise and get fresh air every day.
  • Get enough sleep and stick to your usual bedtimes.
  • Stay in touch with family and friends via the internet or the phone.
  • Redirect your attention from your worries by focusing on creative or practical tasks.
  • Limit your intake of corona-related news if this fuels your anxiety. The latest corona information and figures are available on
  • Talk to a good friend or relative. Express your worries and remember to include non-corona related topics. This can help you redirect your focus.
  • Keep in mind that things will return to normal once the corona crisis is over.

 >> SEE ALSO Help is only a phone call away

  • Call the psychiatric ward on 304740 if your mental condition worsens. The line is open 9am-12 noon and 1pm-3pm on weekdays.
  • Childcare agency Barnabati offers anonymous and free-of-charge phone counselling with experienced psychologists for children, youths and parents. The 116111 helpline is open 9am-4pm on weekdays, plus 8pm-10pm every day including weekends.
  • Red Cross Faroe Islands also offers free-of-charge psychological counselling. Call 788870 and book a consultation. The line is open daily from 8am to 10pm.

It is highly likely that the phone operators speak good English.


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