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RagnarRokk #301 "Amon Amarth,Grave Digger & The Halo Effect"
Samrøða við Johan Söderberg
Amon Amarth- Skagul Rides with Me (Metal Blade Records/Victorious Music)
Amon Amarth-The Great Heathen Army (Metal Blade Records/Victorious Music)
Amon Amarth-Saxons and Vikings (Metal Blade Records/Victorious Music)
Amon Amarth-Get in the Ring (Metal Blade Records/Victorious Music)
Amon Amarth-Heidrun (Metal Blade Records/Victorious Music)
Amon Amarth-Dawn of Norsemen (Metal Blade Records/Victorious Music)
Samrøða við Chris Botendahl
Grave Digger-The Siege of Akkon (Rock Of Angels Recods)
Grave Digger-Saladin (Rock Of Angels Recods)
Grave Digger-Battle Cry (Rock Of Angels Recods)
Grave Digger-Grace Of God (Rock Of Angels Recods)
Grave Digger-Sky of Swords (Rock Of Angels Recods)
Grave Digger-Symbol of Eternity (Rock Of Angels Recods)
Grave Digger-Hellas Hellas (Rock Of Angels Recods)
Grave Digger-The Last Crusider (Rock Of Angels Recods)
Samrøða við Peter Iwers
The Halo Effect-Shadowminds (Nuclear Blast)
The Halo Effect-The Needless End (Nuclear Blast)
The Halo Effect-Gateways (Nuclear Blast)
The Halo Effect-Days Of The Lost (Nuclear Blast)
The Halo Effect-Last Of Our Kind (Nuclear Blast)
The Halo Effect-Conditional (Nuclear Blast)