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RagnarRokk #376 "Arkado, North Sea Echoes & Amaranthe"
Samrøða við Philip Lindstrand
Arkado-Open Sea (Pride & Joy/Arkado)
Arkado-Running Through The Night (Pride & Joy/Arkado)
Arkado-You Make Me Feel (Pride & Joy/Arkado)
Arkado-Her Mothers Lullaby (Pride & Joy/Arkado)
Arkado-Like Something Heaven Sent (Pride & Joy/Arkado)
Arkado-Show Me The Light Again (Pride & Joy/Arkado)
Samrøða við Ray Alder
North Sea Echoes-Open Book (Metal Blade Records)
North Sea Echoes-Throwing Stones (Metal Blade Records)
North Sea Echoes-Flowers in Decay (Metal Blade Records)
North Sea Echoes-Empty (Metal Blade Records)
North Sea Echoes-No Maps (Metal Blade Records)
Samrøða við Olof Mörck
Amaranthe-Damnation Flame (Nuclear Blast)
Amaranthe-Stay a Little While (Nuclear Blast)
Amaranthe-Outer Dimensions (Nuclear Blast)
Amaranthe-Liberated (Nuclear Blast)
Amaranthe-The Catalyst (Nuclear Blast)
Amaranthe- Re-Vision (Nuclear Blast)
Amaranthe-Fading Like A Flower (Nuclear Blast)
Amaranthe-Breaking the Waves (Nuclear Blast)