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RagnarRokk #412 "Lee Aaron & Ad Infinitum"
Samrøða við Lee Aaron
Lee Aaron-Go Your Own Way (Metalville)
Lee Aaron-Whatcha Do To My Body (Unidisc Music Inc.)
Lee Aaron-Metal Queen (Unidisc Music Inc.)
Lee Aaron-Only Human (Unidisc Music Inc.)
Lee Aaron-What Is And What Should Never Be
Lee Aaron-Is It My Body (Metalville)
Lee Aaron-Someone Saved My Life Tonight (Metalville)
Lee Aaron-Even It Up (Metalville)
Lee Aaron-Connection (Metalville)
Lee Aaron-Tattoo (Metalville)
Lee Aaron-The Pusher (Metalville)
Lee Aaron-Teenage Kicks (Metalville)
Lee Aaron-Malibu (Metalville)
Samrøða við Korbi Benedict
Ad Infinitum-Outer Space (Napalm Records)
Ad Infinitum-My Halo (Napalm Records)
Ad Infinitum-Surrender (Napalm Records)
Ad Infinitum-The one you'll hold on to (Napalm Records)
Ad Infinitum-Follow Me Down (Napalm Records)