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RagnarRokk #414 "Frost* & Leprous"
Samrøða við Jem Godfrey
Frost*-Life in the Wires, Part 1 (InsideOutMusic/Frost*)
Frost*-Evaporator (InsideOutMusic/Frost*)
Frost*-The Solid State Orchestra (InsideOutMusic/Frost*)
Frost*-Moral And Consequence (InsideOutMusic/Frost*)
Frost*-Sign Of Life (InsideOutMusic/Frost*)
Frost*-Strange World (InsideOutMusic/Frost*)
Samrøða við Simen Børven
Leprous-Starlight (InsideOutMusic)
Leprous-Atonement (InsideOutMusic)
Leprous-Silently Walking Alone (InsideOutMusic)
Leprous-I Hear The Sirens (InsideOutMusic)
Leprous-Like A Sunken Ship (InsideOutMusic)´
Leprous-Self-Satisfied Lullaby (InsideOutMusic)
Leprous-Unfree My Soul (InsideOutMusic)
Leprous-Faceless (InsideOutMusic)
Leprous-My Specter (InsideOutMusic)