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RagnarRokk #417 "Hollingshead, Bakelit & Avatarium"
Samrøða við Carl Wesholm
Hollingshead-Drink the Tearsdrop (Fosfor Creation)
Hollingshead-She (Fosfor Creation)
Hollingshead-Falling (Fosfor Creation)
Hollingshead-The Ride (Fosfor Creation)
Bakelit-The Coolest Place on Earth (Fosfor Creation)
Bakelit-Remember Who You Are (Fosfor Creation)
Bakelit-This World Belongs to Me (Fosfor Creation)
Bakelit-Two Living Things (Fosfor Creation)
Samrøða við Marcus Jidell
Avatarium - I See You Better In The Dark(AFM Records/Soulfood Music)
Avatarium - My Hair Is On Fire (But I ll Take Your Hand) (AFM Records/Soulfood Music)
Avatarium - Long Black Waves (AFM Records/Soulfood Music)
Avatarium - Until Forever And Again (AFM Records/Soulfood Music)
Avatarium - Being With The Dead (AFM Records/Soulfood Music)