Industry backs Posta privatisation

Industry backs Posta privatisation
With Posta upping the ante against private logistics firms, now is the right time to privatise the service, according to Employers’ Association
Mynd: Archive photo  
25.05.2018 - 14:17

The Ministry of Trade has proposed that national postal service Posta should be privatised, and this has now been met with approval by the Employers’ Association.

In 2005, Postverk Føroya became a public joint stock company and changed its name to Posta in 2010.

The association adds, however, that the trade ministry’s proposal should have made it clearer that a potential buyer would only be obliged to provide postal services for ten years, and that after this period the new owner would be released of all such obligations.

Any mandatory provision of certain postal services should instead be put out to open tender, creating equal opportunities for all operators in the logistics industry, the Employers’ Association adds.

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