School’s out due to faulty heating system

School’s out due to faulty heating system
The troubles at the new Glasir education centre continue after all teaching was called off yesterday
04.12.2018 - 12:47

All activities at Tórshavn’s new college were cancelled yesterday after students and teachers showed up only to find an ice-cold building.

According to school principal Bogi Bech Jensen, the new building’s heating system had broken down.

“We had noticed some issues with the heating system. We had addressed them and the system started running again. However, there was not enough time to heat up the building for yesterday’s activities,” he says.

Some parts of the new building were sufficiently warm, but rather than cancelling certain activities, the principal decided to play it safe and cancel all school activities.

Today, all is back to normal.

Landsverk (the Road Authority), which oversees the construction of the new building, says in a press release that it has been in touch with the heating supplier to ensure that these problems do not recur. According to the press release, this particular problem is not related to the other complications that have plagued the new college. Landsverk adds that all remaining construction work at Glasir has been put on hold until Parliament approves an additional grant.

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