Foreign researchers struggle with work permits

Foreign researchers struggle with work permits
The Faroes are a great research environment for foreigners, but there is plenty of room for improvement
19.06.2019 - 14:42

Researchers from outside the Nordic region find the Faroese work permit system too stringent.

This was one of the conclusions of a research-themed panel discussion earlier this month, hosted by EURAXESS, a pan-European initiative delivering information and support services to professional researchers. 

The panel agreed that it takes too long to obtain a work permit and that the long waiting times are a source of confusion and unease for the researchers and their families.

Language complications

The researchers also pointed out that learning the Faroese language is an essential element of integration, but there was a general agreement that language teaching for foreigners is far too limited. 

Communication regarding practical matters in workplaces, schools, day-care centres, etc. is also in need of improvement, the panel found.

 >> SEE ALSO Minister vows to improve language teaching

Many of the researchers pointed out that the available information includes too much implicit information not adequately adapted to non-Faroese nationals, which can make it difficult to understand the full message.

The panel discussion included key figures from local research institutions, foreign researchers and representatives form the Immigration Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Tórshavn City Council.

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