Today’s corona total: 115

Today’s corona total: 115
What initially appeared to be an increase of 23 on yesterday’s figure is in fact only 15
22.03.2020 - 11:54

The total number of people testing positive for the coronavirus is now 115, which is an increase of 23 on yesterday’s total of 92.

However, Chief Medical Officer Lars Fodgaard Møller points out that the numbers have been adjusted so that only 15 new cases have actually been registered since yesterday morning.

Unofficial world record

Some 137 people were tested yesterday, bringing the total number of tests up to 2,077, which is likely to be a world record relative to the population, according to international figures.

Yesterday it was revealed that a total of 14 people had recovered, which means that the total of active corona cases stands at 101, none of which have yet been hospitalised.

More than 600 people remain in quarantine across the country.

 >> SEE ALSO Optimistic PM warns against complacency

The global number of confirmed corona cases today exceeded 300,000. Some 13,000 deaths have been registered, and about 96,000 people have recovered.

Elsewhere in the Danish Kingdom, Denmark has registered 1,326 corona cases, including 13 fatalities. Greenland still only has two registered corona cases.


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