Authorities outline dangers of corona complacency

Authorities outline dangers of corona complacency
Below are highlights from the 11am news conference about the latest corona developments in the Faroes
The news conference took place in the foyer of the Kringvarp Føroya building
27.03.2020 - 13:02

The news conference featured health minister Kaj Leo Holm Johannesen, consultant doctor Bjarni á Steig and police chief Michael Boolsen.

  • The health minister said he feels safer today than he did when the first Faroese person tested positive, but he was keen to point out that this feeling of safety can easily lead to complacency, which is the last thing we need right now. He urged the public to continue to follow the guidelines from the health authorities.
  • People’s behaviour over the next few days will determine what measures and restrictions the health authorities will introduce.
  • People with non-corona related illnesses should not be afraid of contacting their GP.
  • We must help those who have psychological difficulties and who struggle with being alone during the 14-day quarantine period.
  • The chief of police reiterated the importance of following the guidelines from the health authorities.
  • There have been instances of people being infected by persons who violated quarantine norms. The police chief describes such behaviour as morally reproachable.
  • The police do not have direct legal authority to punish those who violate quarantines, but the epidemic commission can authorise police to do so if deemed necessary. This also applies to forcing people into quarantine if deemed necessary.
  • Doctor Bjarni á Steig said that the 1.5 infection rate for the Faroe Islands announced in the news yesterday has now been adjusted to 1.3.
  • The reduction in positive tests in the past few days may be partly due to fewer people testing themselves because the flu season appears to be on the decline.


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