First coronavirus supplements paid out

First coronavirus supplements paid out
The first welfare benefits for workers affected by the corona lockdown were paid out yesterday
The unemployment benefit services (ALS) headquarters in Tórshavn
01.04.2020 - 09:51

A key component of the government’s corona rescue package is an expansion of the unemployment benefit services (ALS) to also include employees and self-employed workers suffering as a result of the corona lockdown.

Yesterday, the first of these supplements, covering the period 12-22 March, were paid out.

Those who did not receive their rightful benefits yesterday and whose application is processed by noon today will be paid tomorrow.

 >> SEE ALSO Help is at hand as unemployment is skyrocketing

Payments for all remaining valid applications for the 12-22 March period will be issued as soon as possible.

The coronavirus supplements are paid out fortnightly, and the next payment date, covering the period from 23 March to 5 April, is 7 April.

As of this morning, 1,776 people were registered in the coronavirus supplement system, 999 women and 777 men.


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