Corona total reaches 177

Corona total reaches 177
Four new corona cases and six recoveries have been registered since yesterday
02.04.2020 - 09:20

Four people have tested positive since yesterday, bringing the total of corona positive people to 177.

Eighty-one people have recovered, which means the number of active corona cases is now 96. One person is currently receiving treatment at the National Hospital’s corona ward.

Some 4,512 tests have so far been made, and the official number of people in quarantine is 355.

The daily number of new corona cases in the past week (from last Thursday to this morning) has been as follows: 10, 5, 4, 8, 2, 4, 4 and 4. NB: The Chief Medical Officer announces the number of new corona cases every morning. This number is based on tests from the previous day. There are, however, instances where not all tests are fully analysed by the following morning. Results from these tests are assigned to the day when the test is completed. This may lead to adjustments in the daily numbers after the morning announcement.

For more information about the corona situation in the Faroe Islands, visit


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