No new corona cases, as nine more recover

No new corona cases, as nine more recover
Today is the third day in a row with no-one testing positive for COVID-19
10.04.2020 - 09:58

The total number of positive corona cases remains at 184 after the third consecutive day with no positive tests.

Nine people have recovered since yesterday, bringing the total number of recoveries to 145, which means there are currently 39 active corona cases.

The health ministry says that as today is Good Friday, the plan is to have fewer tests today than in previous days, and the next corona statistics will be published on Sunday.

The daily number of new corona cases in the past week has been as follows: 2, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0 and 0.

Age, location and gender

The 20-29 age group still features most prominently in the corona stats, with 40 cases. Next up is the 50-59 group (36), followed by the 40-49s (32), the 10-19s (21), the 30-39s (18), the 60-69s (17), the 0-9s (11), the 70-79s (5) and 80+ (4).

Suðurstreymoy has most cases, with 92, followed by Norðoyggjar (45), Eysturoy (21), Vágar (12), Norðstreymoy (11) and Sandoy and Suðuroy combined (3). Figures below three are not announced.

The gender split among those infected is 53% women and 47% men.

For more information about the corona situation in the Faroe Islands, visit


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