Klaksvík’s daycare centres to delay reopening

Klaksvík’s daycare centres to delay reopening
Klaksvík City Council has decided not to follow the national plan to reopen daycare institutions on Monday
Jógvan Skorheim, mayor of Klaksvík
16.04.2020 - 08:10

The current system with only emergency child care will continue for at least one more week in Klaksvík.

This comes after the city council decided not to follow the government’s plan to partially reopen schools and daycare centres on Monday.

“It’s better to be safe than sorry,” says mayor Jógvan Skorheim, referring to the mixed signals coming from the health authorities in recent days about whether the timing is right for sending children back to school and daycare.

 >> SEE ALSO Q&A on partial reopening of schools/daycare

“We will be spending this week carefully monitoring the situation across the country, and then at some point next week we will issue an update on whether we will open our daycare centres the following week.”

Skorheim is keen to point out that although daycare centres will remain closed, child care will be available to those who require it the most.


Translated by prosa.fo

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