Tips for parents sending their children to daycare

Tips for parents sending their children to daycare has compiled a list of tips on how to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection as daycare centres reopen
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23.04.2020 - 13:15
  • Make sure that your child washes his/her hands immediately before leaving home and again immediately as you return home.
  • If possible, parents should not enter the daycare centre and should let the child walk the last steps to the front door unescorted.
  • Teach your child proper handwashing procedures and talk to your child about the general guidelines regarding social distancing and hygiene.
  • Bring outdoor clothing and sunscreen if applicable.
  • Do not bring toys from home.
  • Your child must not share his/her food with others. This includes handing out candy on birthdays.
  • Try to limit after-daycare play to the small group of children in your child’s play group at the daycare centre. Follow the guidelines about playing together in groups of no more than 2-3 children.
  • Keep a close eye on your child’s health. If he/she displays even the mildest illness symptoms, keep your child at home and call your GP.
  • If you feel any illness symptoms, stay at home and keep your child at home with you.
  • If your child becomes ill at the daycare centre, pick him/her up immediately and call your GP.

For more information about the corona situation in the Faroe Islands, visit


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