More than 4,000 sign up for job retention scheme

More than 4,000 sign up for job retention scheme
The employment service has paid out more than DKK 50 million in stimulus payments to employees affected by the corona lockdown
27.04.2020 - 09:35

ALS, the employment service, has so far paid out DKK 52 million in stimulus payments as part of the government’s job retention scheme.

The scheme supports companies hit by the corona crisis by temporarily helping to pay the wages of people who cannot do their jobs, thus allowing employees to stay on the payroll despite not working due to the lockdown.

More than 4,000 people have signed up to the scheme. However, with the gradual lifting of the lockdown, many have now returned to work, leaving the current number of people registered in the scheme at 3,575.

Some 200-300 sportspeople have not yet been registered in the scheme due to incomplete paperwork, but this is expected to be resolved soon.

So far, 924 companies have applied for ALS stimulus payments.


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