- Tíðindi, mentan og ítróttur
All children can return to daycare on Monday

From Monday, there will again be room for all children in daycare centres.
This means that parents no longer need to preregister to secure a place for their children.
Since daycare reopened on 20 April, many of the country’s daycare centres have only managed to take in about half of the usual number of children due to social distancing requirements.
>> SEE ALSO Daycare centres fast approaching full capacity
The Municipalities Association has not yet received updated instructions on how this full-scale reopening of daycare services will be structured, but a plan for the schools is ready.
Eyðun Christiansen, chairman of the Municipalities Association, says he expects the daycare procedures will be similar to those in schools.
>> SEE ALSO Q&A on partial reopening of schools/daycare
According to the school plan, children and staff will not be allowed to move between rooms.
The decision on whether all children can play together outside in playgrounds has not yet been made.
>> SEE ALSO Q&A on children and daycare centres
The official recommendations on hygiene and social distancing remain unchanged; however, the instructions issued ahead of the partial reopening on 20 April say that some degree of physical contact is permitted.
Translated by prosa.fo