Everyone back to school next week

Everyone back to school next week
The revised social distancing guidelines change everything, says culture minister
Jenis av Rana is the Minister of Culture and Foreign Affairs
16.05.2020 - 08:52

All pupils will be back in school by Wednesday, says culture minister Jenis av Rana.

“We are aiming to get all year groups started on Monday, but if there are schools that need more time to prepare, Tuesday or Wednesday is okay too,” he says.

This means that year groups 6, 7, 8 and 10, the remaining groups restricted to online classes during the lockdown, will now go back to school.

 >> SEE ALSO Minister: shorten distance and school can resume

“When the country went into lockdown on 12 March, no-one had dreamed that all pupils would be back in school only two months later, so this is wonderful."

This is made possible with the new one-metre distance guidelines, says Rana.

“The World Health Organization never recommended a two-metre distance between people, and it would have been very difficult to bring schools back to normal with a two-metre distance requirement as there simply wouldn’t be enough space for them all.”


Translated by prosa.fo

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