New plan to prevent mass gatherings at Ólavsøka

New plan to prevent mass gatherings at Ólavsøka
Tórshavn City Council wants to spread celebrations out into the city’s districts as a preventive alternative to the usual events in the centre
This year’s Ólavsøka will be different from the usual celebrations in which thousands of people gather in Tórshavn's city centre
02.07.2020 - 06:33

District organisations in Tórshavn have been asked to make their own local arrangements for this year’s Ólavsøka national holiday celebrations (28-29 July).

In an effort to curb a possible spread of Covid-19, the City Council is inviting district organisations to apply for grants of up to DKK 10,000 each for costs related to organising local Ólavsøka arrangements in their districts.

“We hope this will help create a cheerful atmosphere across our city, while also observing the social distancing guidelines,” says Bjørgfríð Ludvig, the City Council’s municipal director.

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The money will be transferred to the successful applicants after Ólavsøka when the City Council receives receipts for all expenses.

The grants, totalling DKK 500,000, cover expenses for renting or buying e.g. tents, barbecue equipment, loudspeakers, benches and other entertainment-related items. Food and drink expenses will not be covered.

A condition of receiving a grant is that the area will be cleaned up when the festivities finish.

The application deadline is 12 July. For more information, and to apply for a grant for your neighbourhood, call the City Council helpline on 302010 or email torshavn@torshavn


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