Government aims to sell shares in state companies

Government aims to sell shares in state companies
The government is planning to sell its shares in a selection of partially state-owned companies
Telecoms firm Føroya Tele is among the partially state-owned companies which the government is seeking to fully privatise
03.08.2020 - 11:20

Government officials are looking into the possibility of selling shares in a number of partially state-owned companies including Føroya Tele, Bank Nordik and Smyril Line.

Atlantic Airways is not included in these plans, says Prime Minister Bárður á Steig Nielsen.

“The government’s key duties are to maintain high levels of welfare, which is why we no longer believe it is right to have large amounts of taxpayers’ money invested as venture capital in limited companies,” he says.

The previous government tried to sell its shares in national postal service Posta last year, but the sale did not materialize. The current government says it will make another attempt at selling these shares.


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