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Welcome to Kringvarp Føroya
Kringvarp Føroya (KVF) is the national public broadcasting company of the Faroe Islands. It was founded on 1 January 2005 after a merger of the national radio and television networks, Útvarp Føroya and Sjónvarp Føroya, which were founded in 1957 and 1984 respectively. Kringvarp Føroya is mainly funded by a public service fee which is collected as a tax. Part of the income comes from commercials and a bingo called Gekkurin (The Joker).
Corporate Structure
Kringvarp Føroya is organized with a director, 4 department heads and approx. 80 permanent employees. To maintain arm's length, the director refers to a board of directors, which consists of 7 members, and acts as the institution's top management.
Rules and regulations
KVF programming is subject to the provisions of the Law on public TV, to terms set out in the public service contract between KVF and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Culture. The contract guarantees KVF’s independency of all pressure groups, political, commercial or otherwise.
KVF programming is non commercial. Advertising is not allowed but sponsoring of special events is. The programming covers the whole genre spectre. KVF broadcasts on radio 24/7.
Kringvarp Føroya
Postboks 1299
Norðari Ringvegur 20
100 Tórshavn
Tel. +298 34 75 00
Fax.+298 347501