First refugees expected to arrive shortly

First refugees expected to arrive shortly
Denmark’s updated refugee asylum system will be ready within a few days and will also apply in the Faroes
03.03.2022 - 08:46

The first Ukrainian refugees are expected to arrive in the Faroes shortly, says trade and environment minister Magnus Rasmussen, who also oversees integration.

The government has informed Danish authorities that the Faroes wish to be included in Denmark’s upcoming Emergency Act on refugee asylum, which is expected to be approved in the Danish Parliament within a few days.

The new law seeks to remove legal obstacles regarding residence, work, social rights, etc. for Ukrainians entering the Danish Kingdom.

“The Faroese ministries of health, culture, social affairs and others are working closely with Red Cross Faroe Islands to make the necessary preparations,” says Rasmussen.

 >> SEE ALSO Faroes preparing to take in refugees

“We are working in parallel with the Danish authorities to ensure that everything is in place for refugees to arrive. We will be ready to welcome Ukrainian refugees in the Faroes very shortly.”

The new law aims to grant temporary residence permits, work permits and accommodation to refugees immediately upon arrival.

Special efforts will be made to create a ‘soft landing’ for refugee children with regards to schooling and social services, says Danish integration minister Mattias Tesfaye.


Read the Faroese version of this article here.

More Faroese News in English.

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