Refugees applying for family reunification

Refugees applying for family reunification
Two applications have been approved and another two are being processed
UNESCO defines family reunification as “the process of bringing together family members, particularly children, spouses and elderly dependents”. Archive photo.
29.09.2022 - 15:59

Some Ukrainian refugees are applying for permission to have relatives in Ukraine come to stay with them in the Faroes.

So far, two family reunification applications have been approved under the new refugee law, and another two applications are being processed.

A total of 64 Ukrainian citizens have been granted temporary residence in the Faroes since the new refugee law came into force on 10 April. Four of these have left the country again.

Refugees who have been granted temporary residence in the Faroe have the same rights to welfare services as permanent residents.


Read the Faroese version of this article here.

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