- Tíðindi, mentan og ítróttur
Fuel sales remain steady despite high prices
Fuel sales remain steady despite high prices
There are no signs of motorists going out of their way to conserve their fuel use, says oil company boss

Effo’s pump price of petrol was DKK 14.29 per litre yesterday. Diesel sold at DKK 12.61
02.06.2022 - 09:19
Petrol and diesel prices are at an all-time high, but fuel sales remain largely unaffected.
“Comparing our fuel sales volume for May this year to May last year, we see very little difference,” says Janus Thomsen, CEO of oil company Effo.
>> SEE ALSO Faroes feeling impact of rocketing oil prices
It would be fair to assume that the high prices would encourage fuel-conserving driving behaviours.
“I’m sure that most drivers are thinking along such lines these days, but it seems that we have not yet reached a threshold where fuel conservation is a priority for many motorists.”
Read the Faroese version of this article here.
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