Handball team reaches final

Handball team reaches final
The U17 national handball team has made it into the final of the European Open
05.07.2019 - 08:01

The European Open in Sweden started with 24 nations taking part. Now there are only two left, and the Faroe Islands is one of them.

The Faroese team made it into the final after yesterday’s 22-20 win over Hungary.

Having trailed 4-7 after ten minutes, the Faroese players turned the game around and never looked back after that.

Final against host nation

Elias Ellefsen á Skipagøtu was the top scorer, with ten goals. Other goal scorers were Pauli Mittún (four), Viktor Gaini (three), Hákun West av Teigum (three) and Kristoffur Bjørgvin (two).

The final will be played tonight at 7:30pm Faroese time against host nation Sweden.


Translated by prosa.fo

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