- Tíðindi, mentan og ítróttur
Hiking in Saksun no longer free of charge

A Saksun farmer is installing an automatic toll gate on the pathway to the beach to cope with the ever-increasing tourist numbers in the village.
Tenant farmer André Kruse says that tourist numbers have become so high now that something needs to be done.
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To get to the popular beach and the tidal lagoon, visitors must walk through his land. He says that the other farmers in the village are also working on ways to benefit from the booming tourism industry.
“There isn’t a lot we can do to control this growth, but the time has come for us to start charging the visitors,” he says, adding that he will be spending the toll income on maintenance work.
Unfair not to charge
During a sheep drive in March, two groups of tourists were walking in the mountains, and this interrupted the driving.
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“Two of the people wore a ‘tour guide’ badge, and tour guides rarely work free of charge,” says the farmer, who believes it is unfair that other people should earn money for arranging walks on his land without paying their fair share.
Charge not finalised yet
As all indicators show that the tourism industry will continue to grow, Kruse believes that it makes sense for local farmers to prepare for this and try to earn their fair share from the people visiting their land.
He expects the toll gate to be ready within a month, just in time for the tourist season.
The exact charge has not yet been set, but the farmer says it will be around DKK 50-75 per person. He is planning to introduce special discounts for groups or school classes.
Translated by prosa.fo