Tunnel work priorities not yet finalised

Tunnel work priorities not yet finalised
The general prioritisation and financing of planned tunnel work is still being debated, and no conclusion has been reached yet
Transport minister Henrik Old announced yesterday that he wishes to give priority to the construction of the Fámjin tunnel in Suðuroy, but it emerged today that this decision has not been finalised.
Mynd: Archive photo  
15.05.2018 - 14:06

The transport minister has come under fire after saying yesterday that he wants to prioritise construction of the Fámjin tunnel.

However, plans for tunnel work are still under debate and no final decision on priorities has been made, according to the Prime Minister’s adviser.

The Prime Minister himself refuses to comment on the matter until the discussions are concluded.

Ruth Vang, the chairwoman of the Finance Committee, said last night that the transport minister’s credibility is now on the line.

Transport minister Henrik Old’s wish to give priority to the construction of the Fámjin tunnel in Suðuroy conflicts with the Finance Committee’s recommended prioritisation of the tunnel to Dalur, Sandoy.

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