Ships with infected crews approaching destinations

Ships with infected crews approaching destinations
Russian trawler with at least 23 Covid-infected crew members is scheduled to land in the Russian port of Kaliningrad on Thursday
A total of 34 new Covid-19 cases were registered among the crews of foreign ships docking at the Norðhavnin port (pictured) in Ánirnar, near Klaksvík, last month
03.08.2020 - 12:26

Karelia, the Russian trawler docking near Klaksvík last month with Covid-infected crew members, is currently sailing past Norway and is expected in Kaliningrad on Thursday afternoon.

 >> SEE ALSO Russian sailors seen wandering streets of Klaksvík

The other Russian trawler docking next to Karelia outside Klaksvík, Jan Tarny, whose captain refused to let his crew get tested for Covid-19, is currently fishing in international waters north of the Faroes.

Lithuanian cargo ship Cassiopea was also docking outside Klaksvík last month. The ship, which had at least 11 Covid-positive crew members, is heading for the Spanish port of Las Palmas.


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