Covid has "plunged Faroese arts into a crisis"

Covid has "plunged Faroese arts into a crisis"
The situation in the Faroese art world is beyond serious, says artists’ union
20.01.2021 - 17:35

LISA, the Faroese artists’ union, is calling for an immediate rescue package to keep Faroese art alive.

“Faroese art is in a crisis,” says LISA chairwoman Marita Dalsgaard.

“We are receiving calls from some of our professional performing artists saying they are experiencing serious financial problems due to a shortage of income after ten months of Covid restrictions.”

She adds that many performing artists have seen their income cut in half or more, and that the government’s rescue packages offered so far have failed to adequately target these people.

“The situation in Faroese arts has now gone beyond serious. We urgently need a real rescue package to ensure that our artists can continue working and to ensure that the high standards of art they have worked hard to build up over many years don’t evaporate into thin air.”


Read the Faroese version of this article here

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