- Tíðindi, mentan og ítróttur
Suðuroy reached 84% green energy production in October

Suðuroy continues to lead the way in terms of sustainable energy production, and October was the island’s best month ever in this respect.
A full 84 percent of the island’s energy production came from renewable sources in October. The Vágsverkið thermal power plant generated the remaining 16 percent, which is an all-time low.
These impressive figures can partly be put down to favourable wind and water conditions and partly to the new battery storage and synchronous compensator systems in Porkeri, reports national energy provider SEV.
Porkeri’s wind farm produced just over 60 percent of October’s energy, and the ‘í Botni’ hydroelectric power station produced about 23 percent.
Read the Faroese version of this article here.
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