Faroes set sights on Eurovision membership

Faroes set sights on Eurovision membership
KvF is preparing an application for membership in the European Broadcasting Union, which organises the Eurovision Song Contest
Reiley performing in the semi-finals of this year's Eurovision, held in Liverpool, UK
16.05.2023 - 05:01

Faroese national broadcaster KvF is planning to submit a membership application to the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) before the summer break.

This membership is a prerequisite for participation in the Eurovision Song Contest.

“Our ultimate aim with this application is independent Faroese participation in the Eurovision Song Contest,” says KvF CEO Ivan Niclasen.

“EBU membership is the first step. If we succeed with that, our next aim is Eurovision. This contest is currently for independent states only, but perhaps we can obtain some sort of associate membership first, and then we can work from there. By next spring, I expect we will have a much clearer idea of our chances.”


Read the Faroese version of this article here.

More Faroese News in English.

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