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Lukas from Austria disappeared in Fugloy

Police have now confirmed that the missing tourist in Fugloy is 29-year-old Austrian Lukas Gössnitzer, a resident of Kuttigkofen in Switzerland.
The man’s father, who arrived in the Faroes on Tuesday night, has been looking through CCTV footage from Vágar Airport on Thursday, and there is no doubt that the man in the footage is Lukas.
The father says he is “overwhelmed” by the extensive search and rescue operation and thanks everyone involved. He will return to Austria tomorrow.
A police spokesman told news portal portal.fo that they are no longer expecting to find the man alive.
According to portal.fo, Lukas had bought a one-way ticket to the Faroes.
Police still encourage members of the public who might have relevant information to call them on 351448.
See also:
Translated by prosa.fo