Skaale and Falkenberg won the election

Skaale and Falkenberg won the election
Sjúrður Skaale and Anna Falkenberg will represent the Faroes in the Danish Parliament
01.11.2022 - 07:21

Javnaðarflokkurin (Social Democratic Party) and Sambandsflokkurin (Union Party) won yesterday’s election.

The election was part of the Danish general election in which two Faroese and two Greenlandic MPs are elected to fill the 179 seats in the Danish Parliament.

Sjúrður Skaale, representing Javnaðarflokkurin retained his seat. Anna Falkenberg, of Sambandflokkurin, takes up the seat vacated by her grandfather, former Prime Minister Edmund Joensen, who also represented Sambandsflokkurin.

 >> SEE ALSO Danish general election called for 31 October

Sambandsflokkurin was the biggest party with a total of 8,198 votes, of which 26-year-old Anna Falkenberg received 2,973 votes.

Javnaðarflokkurin received 7,659 votes. Almost half of these votes, 3,804, went to Sjúrður Skaale.

The voter turnout rate was 71.3 percent.


Read the Faroese version of this article here.

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