Atlantic joins forces with airline giant

Atlantic joins forces with airline giant
Atlantic Airways has teamed up with Air France-KLM, which serves 314 destinations in 116 countries.
02.07.2018 - 15:18

The Faroese national airline is increasing its competition with SAS which, like Atlantic’s new partner, also has a comprehensive international route network.


Jóhanna á Bergi, Atlantic Airways’ CEO, says that they have made a so-called Interline deal with the French/Dutch airline.


“This means that you can now buy a single ticket which covers different legs of the journey,” she says. “Check-in will also be a lot easier, as will changes, possible delays and cancellations.”


The new agreement will enable Atlantic Airways to provide special offers on combined flights.


“We are expecting to launch discounted trips to Paris and Amsterdam, which are Air France-KLM’s two main airports, and then we will have discounts on other routes as well,” says the Faroese CEO.


“This is of course great for us here in the Faroes, but it is primarily a much-improved opportunity for foreign visitors to come to us, making our islands more accessible to everyone.”


KLM operates 48 weekly flights from Amsterdam to Copenhagen, 35 to Billund and 27 to Aalborg. Air France has 14 weekly Billund-Paris flights and 35 from Copenhagen to Paris.


Bergen and Edinburgh, both of which on Atlantic’s regular route network, are also served by Air France-KLM, which expands the network even further.

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