Number of air rescue operations doubled

Number of air rescue operations doubled
The increasing number of incidents where people run into trouble in the mountains is putting a strain on the helicopter rescue service
25.01.2019 - 09:23

So far this year, the rescue helicopter has been called eight times to save people who have lost their bearings in the mountains.

This situation is unsustainable, says Hans Erik Jacobsen, the head of Atlantic Airways’ helicopter department.

“We need a system which ensures that air rescue operations are kept to a minimum in these situations,” he says.

Three years ago, the rescue helicopter was called out about 50 times to help people walking in the mountains. Today this number has doubled, as the rescue helicopter was called out almost 100 times for this purpose in 2018.

“And it’s not only foreign tourists who require our help in the mountains. A significant part of the people we have helped are locals,” Jacobsen adds.

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