Big increase in electric car sales

Big increase in electric car sales
Almost half of the 567 electric cars in the Faroes were sold this year
02.12.2021 - 13:02

Sales of electric vehicles are on the rise.

There were 307 electric cars in the country at the start of this year, according to Akstovan, the Faroese Vehicle Administration.

In the first 11 months of 2021, a further 260 electric cars were sold, bringing the total up to 567.

 >> SEE ALSO MPs approve VAT exemption for hybrid cars

This is, however, just a tiny proportion of the total number of vehicles.

Out of all the 41,534 vehicles registered in the Faroes, 639 are powered by electricity, including mopeds.

Of the 27,426 passenger cars, 16,289 are powered by petrol and 9,795 are powered by diesel, according to Akstovan.


Read the Faroese version of this article here.

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