Visit Saksun beach for free

Visit Saksun beach for free
The much-disputed toll gate in Saksun will open to everyone on Thursday
24.05.2022 - 13:09

This coming Thursday is a public holiday, Kristi himmalsferðardagur – known to most English speakers as Ascension Day but once famously translated into English by an elderly Faroese man as “Jesus Christ full-speed-ahead Day”.

On this day, Saksun locals have decided to waive the DKK 75 charge for access to the popular beach.

“We set up the toll gate in an effort to cope with the ever-increasing tourist numbers in the village,” local farmer André Kruse said shortly after the gate was set up – amid some controversy – in 2019.

 >> SEE ALSO Toll gate installed in Saksun

Fellow Saksun farmer Jóhan Jógvansson said last week that Saksun villagers now want to prove that they have no problem with Faroese residents walking in the area.

Saksun, Dúvugarðar

It is perhaps equally understandable that tourists flock to this place and that the locals are not too keen on seeing their beauty spot flooded with tourists throughout the summer season

In addition to opening the gate, the locals have arranged a concert with popular Faroese singer/songwriter Signar í Homrum, followed by a special church service.

Visitors to the village will also be offered a tour of one of the centuries-old houses in the village.


Read the Faroese version of this article here.

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More Faroese News in English.

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