First corona patient now recovered

First corona patient now recovered
Kaj Skipanes, who is believed to have contracted the coronavirus in Paris in February, has recovered
Kaj Skipanes quarantined in his home
18.03.2020 - 08:59

The first Faroese person to test positive for the coronavirus has now recovered.

Kaj Skipanes developed symptoms on 29 February after returning to the Faroes from Paris on 24 February.

The three other people in his household were also tested, and all tested negative.

"It is a great relief to know that I have not passed the virus on to anyone else," says Skipanes.

Released from isolation

He and his family have been quarantined, some at home and some at Hotel Vágar, and all have now been released.

Upon establishing the positive test, the Chief Medical Officer immediately proceeded to test everyone Skipanes had been in contact with.

Eightteen people were placed into quarantine at the time. These people have now all been released from isolation.


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