Bird flu confirmed in the Faroes

Bird flu confirmed in the Faroes
Our neighbouring countries have been plagued by bird flu for some time, and now it has also arrived in the Faroes
Bird flu has been detected in the great skua (Stercorarius skua) in the Faroes. Archive photo
16.12.2021 - 16:27

Bird flu has been registered in the Faroes for the first time, reports Faroese Food and Veterinary Authority HFS.

Samples were sent from HFS to the Danish State Serum Institute earlier this week, and the first results show that two birds of the great skua (Stercorarius skua) species have tested positive for the bird flu, also known as the avian influenza virus.

Further analysis is needed to determine the exact type of bird flu, and these results are expected next week.

 >> SEE ALSO Stay away from sick or dead birds

HFS is advising anyone who comes across a sick or dead bird not to touch it and instead report the bird to

If possible, such a report should include bird species and the location where the bird was found. A photo of the bird plus geolocation details would also be helpful.

This information will be used for monitoring the bird flu situation in the country.

Good hygiene at Christmas dinners

Most Faroese households serve duck or goose at Christmas. Although the type of bird flu recently registered in our neighbouring countries appears unlikely to spread to humans, HFS is advising the public to maintain good hygiene while preparing bird dishes.

The bird must be cooked properly, with a core temperature of no less than 75 ºC.

HFS is keen to point out that visibly sick birds must never be used for consumption.


Read the Faroese version of this article here.

More Faroese News in English.

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