Suðuroy subsea tunnel research shows early promise

Suðuroy subsea tunnel research shows early promise
Nothing indicates that building a subsea tunnel to Suðuroy is impossible, but more seismic research is needed
26.11.2018 - 13:40

The seabed around Skúvoy island has different geological characteristics than expected, and further research is needed to fully ensure that a subsea tunnel can be drilled in the area.

The transport ministry has informed the finance ministry of its plans for seismic research in preparation for a possible undersea tunnel to Suðuroy.

DKK 500,000 has been allocated for preliminary research this year. But Landsverk (The Road and Tunnel Authority) has requested DKK 2 million for next year to expand the research project.

Landsverk has surveyed the seabed between Sandoy and Skúvoy, south of Skúvoy and north of Suðuroy. The results are currently being processed by Jarðfeingi (the Faroese Geological Survey), which is due to present a report to Landsverk by the end of this year.

The next step is to shoot seismic and carry out core drillings.

The new marine research ship, which will be completed in 2020, has the facilities to shoot seismic, and Landsverk has indicated that it may be a good idea to postpone these examinations until the ship is ready.

If this solution is selected, it will be possible to continue the preliminary research on a DKK 500,000 budget next year too.

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