Revised Covid recommendations

Revised Covid recommendations
The Faroes remain in the yellow zone – stage 2 – of the Covid traffic light system, but restrictions have been tightened
A total of 28 staff at Tórshavn’s National Hospital have tested Covid positive, and a few staff members at the other two hospitals have been quarantined
09.12.2021 - 13:17

The current Covid situation is serious, but it is not right at this point to move to a lockdown-like red zone in the traffic light Covid response plan.

“The hospitals are affected by infected and/or quarantined staff, but they are coping with the current number of Covid patients [10],” Prime Minister Bárður á Steig Nielsen said at a special Covid press conference this morning.

Given the current situation, the government has adjusted the yellow Stage 2 restrictions as follows:

- All ‘fólkaskúlin’ school pupils are given an early Christmas holiday, starting on Wednesday.

- No more than 100 people can gather at events requiring a corona pass for entry, and no more than 20 at events without a corona pass requirement.

- Face masks are recommended in all indoor public spaces.

- Bars and restaurants are asked to close by 11pm.

- Office Christmas parties should be limited to no more than 20 people.


For further information about Covid-19 in the Faroes, including daily figures, visit

Read the Faroese versions of this article here and here.

More Faroese News in English.

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