Kayakers in trouble again

Kayakers in trouble again
The nine kayakers who were rescued near Vágar on Tuesday were the same who got into trouble near Viðoy last week
Archive photo
10.07.2019 - 17:08

This time last week, a group of middle-aged Israeli kayakers sailed into rough waters north of Viðareiði.

Yesterday, the intrepid rowers got themselves into trouble again, this time north of Vágar.

The area has poor signal strength; however, the kayakers are well equipped, and the Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre received a distress call about them from the United States around midday.

Rescue operation

A rescue operation was launched, and first one of the rowers, who had been injured, was taken ashore, where an ambulance awaited him.

The remaining eight rowers and their kayaks were then picked up and were taken to Miðvágur.

The rescue operation lasted two hours and 40 minutes.


Translated by prosa.fo

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