Poll: Opposition pulls further ahead

Poll: Opposition pulls further ahead
Government continues to lose support and the leading opposition party gains one more seat compared to a month ago
Parties compete for 33 parliamentary seats, i.e. 17 seats are required to secure a majority
19.06.2022 - 09:58

Recent polls have indicated that voters are turning away from the government parties, and this trend appears to be escalating.

The latest spyr.fo poll, commissioned by online news magazine Vikuskifti, suggests that the government coalition parties continue to lose voter confidence, while leading opposition party Javnaðarflokkurin keeps growing.

The opposition, consisting of Javnaðarflokkurin (Social Democrats), Tjóðveldi (Republicans), Framsókn (Progress Party) and Sjálvstýri (Self-Government Party), would win 20 parliamentary seats, according to the new poll.

 >> SEE ALSO Opposition overtakes government in poll

As in previous polls, Javnaðarflokkurin is the big winner, gaining an additional seat compared to last month’s poll, going from ten to eleven seats, with 31.5 percent of the vote.

The poll puts Tjóðveldi at 20.2 percent of the vote with seven seats, making the party the second-largest in Parliament. Framsókn received 5.1. percent of the vote and two seats. As in last month’s polls, opposition party Sjálvstýri stands to lose its single seat in this poll.

Government party Fólkaflokkurin (People’s Party) received 19.5 percent of the vote and six seats, Sambandsflokkurin (Union Party) 15.8 percent and five seats, and Miðflokkurin (Central Party) 6,8 percent and two seats.

The poll, consisting of 500 randomly selected eligible voters, was conducted on 14 June.


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