- Tíðindi, mentan og ítróttur
Lockdown gradually lifted

Day-care centres will open on Monday 20 April.
Preparatory schools, and 1st-3rd grade start on 20 April. Attendance is optional. 4th-10th graders continue with home schooling. 9th and 10th graders will have no final exams this summer.
Recreational centres (frítíðarskúlar) also open on 20 April.
Grammar schools
Teaching for final-year classes starts gradually on 20 April. Decisions on final exams will be made later. Lower grammar school classes will continue with home schooling.
Vocational courses at Klaksvík’s technical college and Tórshavn’s Glasir start on 20 April. This does not apply to hairdressing students.
The current corona restrictions will continue throughout April. Non-urgent treatment can still be postponed.
Social services
Any reopening measures must take old and weak people into consideration.
Sporting events can resume on 9 May under controlled circumstances with no spectators.
Public sector employees
The public sector should operate with as few restrictions as possible in accordance with the anti-corona measures.
All public sector employees are advised to work from home if this is possible.
Private sector employees
Distance and hygiene measures must be adhered to at all times.
Public transport
Ferry service restrictions continue with limited passenger numbers. Coach services are also restricted. Visit ssl.fo for details.
Churches and other religious organisations are advised not to host events of more than ten people.
Bars, nightclubs and restaurants are advised to close at 10pm.
Travel to and from the Faroes is restricted.
Translated by prosa.fo