PM: food exports to Russia can continue

PM: food exports to Russia can continue
Official trade embargoes against Russia will only be introduced if they become an explicit part of the western sanctions package, says Prime Minister
Prime Minister Bárður á Steig Nielsen
12.04.2022 - 10:17

The government announced at the start of the war in Ukraine that it will follow the decisions of the EU regarding sanctions against Russia.

This position remains unchanged, Prime Minister Bárður á Steig Nielsen said last week.

“Food exports have been explicitly excluded from all the five sanctions packages introduced so far by the West,” he said.

 >> SEE ALSO Opposition: cut all trade ties with Russia

“There may be many reasons for this, but I believe a key reason is that embargoes on food exports do not serve the intended purpose, i.e. targeting those responsible for the war.”

He adds that the situation changes on a daily basis, and the government will act in accordance with any changes made by western authorities in this context.

 >> SEE ALSO Ukraine vows to help Faroese exporters

“Faroese fish exporters decided at the start of the war to limit or stop their exports to Russia. But the government will not impose an all-out ban on food exports until this is explicitly called for by our western allies,” said Nielsen.

“We fully support, and will continue to support, any sanctions aimed specifically at those responsible for the war.”


Read the Faroese version of this article here.

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