Green energy going to waste

Green energy going to waste
Only 44 percent of wind energy is currently being converted into electricity
The Gellingarklettur wind farm northwest of Tórshavn
10.12.2021 - 12:08

More than half of the energy generated in the wind farms in Tórshavn and Eiði will be going to waste as long as no pump system is in place.

Despite this inefficiency, wind-generated electricity remains significantly cheaper than its oil-generated counterpart, says trade and environment minister Magnus Rasmussen.

Public energy supplier SEV expects to be able to harness much more wind energy once the pump system is ready.

 >> SEE ALSO Sixty new wind turbines in the next decade

With fully functioning wind farms, the price of one KWh will be DKK 0.23, compared to DKK 0.70-0.80 per KWh for oil-generated electricity.

With the current 44-percent efficiency, the average KWh price is at DKK 0.52.

According to the minister, households will not be charged, nor will SEV be compensated, for the wasted energy.


Read the Faroese version of this article here.

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